Robin Davis
Robin (Ph.D.) is a criminal justice and behavioral health expert focusing on policy, program research and evaluation, and technical assistance. She has more than two decades of experience providing strategic planning and needs assessments, as well as design, testing, and implementation of research and program evaluation, including rigorous research designs and analysis. Robin is experienced in instrument development and testing; mixed-method research community-level data collection surveys; and data visualization and action-oriented dissemination of study findings. She also leads training and technical assistance (TTA) programs to community and service stakeholders and experts to enhance or support program delivery.
Robin’s expertise includes practice and program investigations related to mental health promotion, substance use/misuse, overdose prevention, suicide prevention, violence prevention, supported employment, and criminal justice and public safety. She has significant experience leading evaluation and TTA activities with populations disproportionately impacted by public health and behavioral health issues.
Robin served as principal investigator or senior technical advisor on numerous behavioral health program evaluations and research projects emphasizing rigorous multisite, multimethod evaluation. She holds a bachelor’s degree and master’s in criminal justice, and a doctorate in public affairs.
Ph.D., Public Affairs, University of Central Florida
M.C.J., Criminal Justice, New Mexico State University
B.S., Criminal Justice, Georgia State University
“Research on Videoconferencing at Post Arraignment Release Hearings: Phase I Final Report, Executive Summary,” ICF International, 2015.
“Reconsidering Child Saving: The Extent and Correlates of Public Support for Excluding Youths From the Juvenile Court,” Crime & Delinquency, 2008.
“Improving Comprehension of Capital Sentencing Instructions: Debunking Juror Misconceptions—A bias-Reduction Approach,” Crime & Delinquency, 2007.
“Public Views on Sentencing Juvenile Murderers: The Impact of Offense, Offender, and Perceived Maturity,” 2006.
“Examining Public Support for ‘Correcting’ Offenders,” Corrections Today, 2005.
Davis, R.K., Applegate, B.K., Otto, C.W., Surette, R., & McCarthy, B.J. (2004). “Roles and Responsibilities: Analyzing Local Leaders’ Views on Jail Crowding From a Systems Perspective,” Crime & Delinquency, 2004.